Kimberly Medlock Productivity Coach

  • Your Email Signature Could Be Costing You Business (free download)
    Your email signature may not have been something you have thought about much; however, that doesn't mean it doesn't matter. It does matter. It can actually matter a lot. I cringe every time I get an email from someone in business who has a bad email signature, and unfortunately, I see a lot of them. What constitutes a bad email signature? Listing too little or too much contact information at the end of your message.

  • Think Twice Before Calling That Meeting (free download)
    If being asked to show up at a meeting fills you with dread, you're not alone. Forty-nine percent of workers surveyed said that unproductive meetings were a huge productivity drainer for them. Seventy percent of executives reported that most of the meetings they attend are "a waste of time." When asked the cause of their frustration, it's probably the same as yours: boring, stressful, lack of a clear agenda, and no follow-through on the topics or plans that were discussed.

  • Reducing Your Mental Clutter (free download)
    "I must have ADD." - I hear that from so many of the people that I work with as their excuse for the "disorganization" in their lives. They tell me, "I'm trying and working so hard, so that must be the reason I can't seem to 'get it together'. Sound familiar?

  • Avoid the "Mental Baggage" Cost on Your Vacation (free download)
    There is something mysterious that often kicks in for many on "the day before vacation." That long tedious list of random tasks that you have been able to successfully suppress for weeks (or months!) suddenly overwhelms you with an urge of almost irrational determination to get done.

  • Do you help or hinder your workplace productivity? (free download)
    "Never assume to malice what could be explained by stupidity." I'm sure this will come as no surprise - if you have co-workers you will annoy and be annoyed from time to time. Such is life. To be clear, however, most people really do not mean to irritate others, or even have a clue that their behavior is doing so.

  • The Cost of Mental Health Issues In Your Workplace (free download)
    You may have heard before that there are two aspects to most problems – the mental and the physical. When it comes to health care, employee well-being, productivity, and your bottom-line you better know that the mental aspect is where your attention should be.

  • What You Should Know About Multi-Tasking (free download)
    Multi-tasking – the ability to do multiple things at the same time. New definition of multi-tasking – the ability to mess up multiple things at the same time.

  • Paper vs Electronic Planners? Which One is Right for You? (free download)
    Everyone needs to use a planner. If you are not, you are most likely wasting a lot of time each day. If you are busy and want to be productive about how you spend your time, using a planner tool is a necessity, not an option. The busier you are, the more organized you have to be with how you want to spend your time. But which is better to use, – a paper or electronic planner?

  • Overcoming Procrastination (free download)
    We all do it from time to time. We put off things that we know we really should do. Then, often times, when we finally do it, we think, "Why did I put that off so long? That wasn't so bad after all!" Truth is, we can't do everything all the time. However, when important things - those that deep down in your gut you know would bring relief to your life in some way keep being avoided; it's time to face it.

  • Get Liberated! Just Say NO! (free download)
    Is it hard for you to say "no" to others even when you know it will cause a serious upset in the balance of your life? Does the thought of saying no conjure up instant worrisome feelings like, "What will they think of me? What if they are offended? What if they don't ask me again?

  • Spring Cleaning For Your Desk (free download)
    A messy desk can be more than just a mess, it can hurt you. In addition to sabotaging your productivity, it can also be harmful to your health and your reputation. It can also eat at your bottom line.

  • Stress – It's Costing You More Than You Think (free download)
    Feeling stressed? You are not alone. In fact, more than half of American adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress. In addition, for you managers and employers, some reports indicate that up to 60 percent of employee absences are due to psychological problems such as stress and depression.

  • What is a Work-Life Balance and Do You Have It? (free download)
    Chances are that if you are among the half of Americans that make New Year's resolutions these days, your list includes improving or achieving a work/life balance. This article will help you keep your work and life in balance.



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Kimberly Medlock is a productivity expert and works with companies that want happier, healthier and more productive teams. You can learn more about what she does, why she does it and how she does it at

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